published: 2008/05/10. tags: duplicate content, SEO, product catalogs

Duplicate Content - Reasons, Detection and Making It Unique

Is your king a clone?

Duplicate content is a big problem for search engines as it adds little value to index the same content several times. This article is going to discuss the reasons for duplicate content, ways to identify the duplicate content and also ways to make duplicate content hard to detect.

Reasons for duplicate content

Below are a few reasons for the duplicate content on the web

Detecting Duplicate Content

The internet has billions of pages and with Google's recent effort to index the database driven pages of popular websites, the number would only get bigger. Detecting duplicate is not easy and perhaps not even accurately possible. The challenges of detecting duplicate content are given below

Making Duplicate Content Unique

Altering duplicate content to make it harder to be detected is essentially making the above detection steps harder. Also, some implementations may not take all the above factors into account. So, incorporating measures against some of the above steps in detection logic could make it harder. The intention of providing the techniques to thawrt duplicate content detection is not to encourage such behavior but to help people realize what the sophisticated webmasters are doing. I have personally used only the technique of altering the markup for product descriptions mainly to bring attention to the salient features of a product to the user.

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