When I first learnt about GreaseMonkey and the concept of UserScripts I was quite thrilled at the endless possibilities. I have created a few simple userscripts at work that saved a lot of time as the user interface of a central application is not up to the mark and I could easily provide a seamless navigation by using a userscript. The beauty of a userscript is, there is no need to wait for the content/application provider to fix a usability issue, the html can be modified on the fly to make it usable.

Here is a userscript I have written called Permalink Google PageRank Checker. This script identifies all the links on the page that are permalinks (rel='permalink' or rel='bookmark') and for each of them, displays the pagerank to the right. A good usecase for this is to find out the page rank of all your blog posts. Below is an example of how this works for WordPress (in the Admin -> Manage section).

Wordpress Blog Posts PageRank

The Project Euler Solved In Days user script takes the solved information from the title field and put it in the link name.

Project Euler, Solved in days

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